schema of the Structure of Klaipėda State Music Theatre
General Manager
    • Deputy General Manager for Artistic Affairs
      • Artistic Planning and Soloists Department
      • Orchestra Department
      • Choir Department
      • Ballet Department
    • Deputy General Manager
      • Human Resources and General Affairs Department
      • Production Department
        • Stage Crew Department
        • Workshops Department
      • Economy Department
    • Accounting Department
    • Deputy General Manager for Marketing
      • Marketing Department
        • Advertising and Sales Department
        • Customer Services Department
        • Production and Event Management Department
    • Strategic
      and Investment
      Management Department
General Manager
    • Deputy General Manager for Artistic Affairs
      • Artistic Planning and Soloists Department
      • Orchestra Department
      • Choir Department
      • Ballet Department
    • Deputy General Manager
      • Human Resources and General Affairs Department
      • Production Department
        • Stage Crew Department
        • Workshops Department
      • Economy Department
    • Accounting Department
    • Deputy General Manager for Marketing
      • Marketing Department
        • Advertising and Sales Department
        • Customer Services Department
        • Production and Event Management Department
    • Strategic
      and Investment
      Management Department
General Manager
    • Deputy General Manager for Artistic Affairs
      • Artistic Planning and Soloists Department
      • Orchestra Department
      • Choir Department
      • Ballet Department
Deputy General Manager
Accounting Department
Human Resources and General Affairs Department
      • Production Department
        • Stage Crew Department
        • Workshops Department
Economy Department
    • Deputy General Manager for Marketing
      • Marketing Department
        • Advertising and Sales Department
        • Customer Services Department
        • Production and Event Management Department
    • Strategic
      and Investment
      Management Department
visitors page header image


Support us
by assigning 1,2% of your PIT


Visitor Information

Ticketing Information
Refund policy
Ticket deals
Gift Voucher
Information for Ukrainian citizens
Things to know before visiting us





Tickets to the performances produced by the KSMT are available online and in person at the KSMT Box Office (Danės g. 19, Klaipėda). Information and bookings by telephone +370 645 59472.


BOX OFFICE opening times:

Tue 10.30am – 6.30pm (lunch break 2pm-3pm)
Wed-Sat 9.30am – 6.30pm (lunch break 2pm-3pm)
If performances are scheduled on Sunday, the box office opens one hour before the curtain-up.


Tickets are also sometimes distributed online via the other ticketing systems that depend on the venue and on the producer of the event.



Advance booking is only available at the theatre box office only on the following terms and conditions:

  • individual reservations are valid for 10 days from the date of booking, but no later than 14 days before the date of the event;
  • group bookings (for 15 or more tickets for one event) are valid for 14 days from the date of booking, but no more than 14 days before the date of the event;
  • on expiry of the reservation period, the ticketing system automatically cancels the reservation and sends a cancellation email to the purchaser.


Please note:

  • payment can be made by bank transfer, bank card or cash at the theatre box office and at other ticket distributors' service points;
  • either legal or natural person can generate an invoice independently after purchasing tickets through the ticket distribution system or, for tickets purchased at the box office, an invoice can be issued after the event at the buyer's request;
  • ticket distributors apply service charges to each ticket and calculate the final amount themselves, which may differ from the prices indicated on the theatre's website;
  • one hour before the event, tickets are sold at the theatre box office only for that day's event.
  • if you have difficulty climbing the stairs, we recommend that you purchase tickets in the following sections: rows 1, 13, 14 in the stalls of the Sea Hall; rows 1, 2 in the Lagoon Hall.
  • if you have a hearing impairment, you can select a function at the box office that allows you to communicate with the cashier in sign language.




Tickets for events produced by the theatre cannot be refunded or exchanged, except in the event of cancellation/rescheduling or in the event of force majeure.
In the event of a cancellation, refunds shall be made through the ticketing system where the tickets were purchased within 14 days of the advertised date of the event, unless the theatre decides otherwise. If the event is rescheduled to another date, the same tickets are valid. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling of events not due to the theatre's fault (force majeure circumstances), refunds for tickets purchased shall be made in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. In the absence of such a procedure, the theatre's procedure for the refund of tickets, approved by order of the theatre manager, shall apply.




The following discounts are applied to the full priced tickets to the performances produced by the theatre (see exceptions below*):

  • 50 % off for schoolchildren of pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education (except for adults), full-time students of higher education and vocational training institutions, and young people (ages 14 to 29) upon the presentation of valid identification cards;
  • 30 % off for seniors upon the presentation of valid identification cards;
  • 15 % off for POLA card holders and their personal assistants;
  • admission is free for disabled persons in wheelchairs and accompanying personal assistants;
  • 30 % off for group bookings of 15 and more tickets.
  • 70 % off for teachers in the field of performing arts, seniors, full-time students and schoolchildren upon the presentation of valid identification cards one hour before curtain-up.


* Discounts do not apply to premieres, New Year’s Eve, and commemorative events. Discount for group bookings is only available for daytime performances for children.


Please note: discounts cannot be combined.




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Treat your loved ones to a special gift! Give them the opportunity to choose a performance, a concert programme, or several events organised by the Klaipėda State Music Theatre according to their taste and interests by presenting them with the KSMT Gift Voucher.

Klaipėda State Music Theatre gift voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be exchanged for tickets for any of the theatre's on-sale season events distributed through the theatre's ticketing system and at the theatre box office.

Vouchers in denominations of 30 €, 50 €, 70 € and 100 € can be purchased and exchanged for tickets in the theatre's ticketing system or at the theatre box office.


Terms and conditions for the purchase and use of a KSMT Gift Voucher

  • When exchanging a KSMT gift voucher for tickets, ticket prices are calculated without discounts.
  • The value of the gift voucher is not convertible into cash.
  • If the sum of the ticket prices is less than the value of the gift voucher, the difference is non-refundable.
  • If the sum of the ticket prices is higher than the value of the gift voucher, the buyer must pay the difference.
  • The KSMT Gift Voucher is not a ticket and does not guarantee access to the desired event until it has been exchanged for tickets for the events on sale, so we recommend that you do this as soon as possible.
  • Klaipėda State Musical Theatre reserves the right to change the repertoire and the conditions of purchase and use of gift vouchers.


If you have any questions regarding the purchase of tickets and gift vouchers and/or discounts, please call +370 652 11547 or email





We at the Klaipėda State Music Theatre kindly invite all Ukrainian refugees to attend our events and performances free of charge. Adults and children will be admitted upon presenting valid national identity cards at the entrance. For more information, please email us to
The upcoming events and performances are listed here.





  • The Klaipėda State Music Theatre reserves the right to make alterations to the advertised programme. Before you purchase tickets and plan your visit please check back for updates here.
  • Check if you have valid tickets to gain entrance to the theatre. The theatre will not be liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair tickets. You must retain your ticket at all times during the event, but there is no need to print it out. We can also check tickets on your mobile phone. Let's protect our environment.
  • If you plan to travel to the theatre by car, please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before the start of the event. There are no reserved parking spaces for visitors in the vicinity of the theatre.
  • If you have purchased a ticket with a 100% discount for wheelchair users, please contact us at to reserve a seat for an accompanying person.
  • If you have purchased a discounted ticket, please bring a valid document proving your right to get the deduction. Ticket controllers may ask you to present it with your ticket.
  • If you have a visual impairment, we suggest you install the RightHear app on your mobile device. It will help you navigate your way around the theatre.
  • We kindly ask you not to bring children under the age of 7 to the evening performances. We offer a special programme of daytime performances for pre-school children and their families. Please note that children under the age of 6 are admitted free of charge, if they share their seats with an accompanying adult.
  • Once you arrive at the theatre, you will be greeted with a smile by our front of house staff members, who will answer all your queries in different languages. The front of house staff is qualified to provide first aid, so you can feel safe in the theatre.
  • If you wish that your flowers be presented to a performer at the event, please leave them with the front of house staff. The flowers will be kept in water and delivered at the end of the event.
  • Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium after the third bell. If you arrive late, or leave the auditorium during a performance, for reasons of safety, consideration for the performers and the enjoyment of others you may be asked to wait in the foyers until the interval or suitable break in the performance when lights are raised. You will be able to view the performance via our TV monitors during this time. Please note, in some cases this can be up to two hours.
  • Unauthorised filming, photography, making of audio and video recordings of the performances, including on mobile phones, is strictly prohibited.
  • Food and drink may not be brought into the venue and/or the auditoriums.
  • Please ensure your mobile phones and other electronic devices are switched off at all times during the events.
  • Full casts of all events are available on our website. The cast of each show is also listed in the printed programme notes that you can purchase in the lobby before the performance.
  • All attendees must comply with the guidelines on safe distances, public health, safety and hygiene laid down in legal acts.
SUPPORT US by assigning 1,2% of your PIT

If you feel love and respect to professional performing arts, please donate your 1.2% of income tax and, thus, contribute to promotion and dissemination of Klaipėda State Musical Theatre performing arts. Please fill in the form FR0512 addressed to Klaipeda State Musical Theatre (company code 190755028) by electronic means via the STI Electronic Declaration System (EDS) by May 1st every year. We can do even better with your support!


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Events & tickets

  • Genre: Opera

    Date: 2024-12-05

    Time: 18:30

    Section / price :

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Klaipėdos valstybinio muzikinio teatro modernizavimas

Projektas finansuojamas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo

Projekto Nr. 07.1.1-CPVA-V-304-01-0019

Klaipėdos valstybinis muzikinis teatras įgyvendiną teatro modernizavimo projektą, dalinai finansuojamą Europos regioninės plėtros fondo, pagal 2020-01-10 pasirašytą finansavimo ir administravimo sutartį su VšĮ Centrine projektų valdymo agentūra. Bendra projekto vertė 23 990 642,98 Eur, iš jų ES regioninės plėtros fondo lėšos - 9 510 736,93 Eur, Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės biudžeto lėšos – 14 479 906,05 Eur.

Pastato rekonstrukcijos techninis projektas buvo parengtas dar 2016 m. pabaigoje, rangovas parinktas 2018 m., rangos darbų viešąjį konkursą laimėjo UAB „Infes“. Klaipėdos valstybinio muzikinio teatro rekonstrukcija pradėta 2018 m. rugsėjo 14 d. Apie rekonstrukcijos pradžią iškilmingai paskelbta įkasant kapsulę ateities kartoms būsimo pastato pamatuose

Projekto tikslas – padidinti Klaipėdos valstybinio muzikinio teatro patrauklumą, teikiamų kultūros paslaugų prieinamumą ir kokybę

Klaipėdos valstybinis muzikinis teatras – didžiausias profesionalaus meno kolektyvas ne tik Klaipėdoje, bet ir visame Vakarų Lietuvos regione. Klaipėdos valstybinis muzikinis teatras įkurtas 1987 metų sausio 1 dieną, Klaipėdos liaudies operos teatrą reorganizavus į muzikinį teatrą. Per dvidešimt šešerius kūrybinės veiklos metus teatre pastatyta per 100 įvairių žanrų ir epochų sceninių veikalų, tai: operos, operetės, miuziklai, muzikinės dramos, baletai, šiuolaikinio šokio spektakliai, oratorijos, muzikiniai spektakliai vaikams.

Klaipėdos valstybinis muzikinis teatras teikia šias pagrindines paslaugas – rodo spektaklius (savo ir kitų gastroliuojančių teatrų repertuarą) Klaipėdoje, stato naujus spektaklius, teikia edukacines paslaugas, rodo spektaklius kituose miestuose (gastrolės), įgyvendina kultūrines programas. Teatras orientuojasi į platų visuomenės ratą kaip tikslinę žiūrovų auditoriją. Repertuaras bei spektakliai pritaikomi kuo įvairesnėms tikslinėms žiūrovų grupėms (atsižvelgiant į amžių, socialinę padėtį, pomėgius ir kt.), tokiu būdu siekiama formuoti teigiamą visuomenės požiūrį į teatrą ir pritraukti kuo įvairesnių visuomenės grupių atstovus.

Svarbi scenos infrastruktūra įrengta dar sovietų laikais ir šiuo metu visiškai neatitinka laiko realijų. Nėra galimybės greitai pakelti ir nuleisti dekoracijų, vystyti kitų meninių spendimų. Įdiegus šiuolaikinę scenos infrastruktūrą, būtų pagerintas ne tik vizualinis vaizdas, kuris svarbus žiūrovui, bet ir būtų sudaryta galimybė didesnei režisierių ir aktorių saviraiškai. Tai leistų statyti daugiau ir novatoriškesnių spektaklių.

Šiuolaikiniam jaunimui labai svarbu, kad teatro spektakliai atspindėtų tai, kas yra aktualu. Šiuolaikiniai spektakliai, kuriuose vyrautų jaunimo kultūra (vadinamoji „gatvės kultūra“), būtų naudojamos išmaniosios technologijos (kadangi tokias technologijas jaunimas naudoja ir kasdieniniame gyvenime) leistų padidinti susidomėjimą ne tik jaunimo tarpe, bet pritrauktų ir kitų amžiaus lankytojų grupes, kurios nori susipažinti su siek problemomis. Įdiegus tinkamą scenos įrangą, galima būti kurti vizualinius pasakojimus, kurie taptų neatsiejama spektaklių dalimi.

Šiuo metu Vakarų Europoje ir JAV vyrauja tendencija, kad teatras turi būti aprūpinamas naujausia technine įranga, kuri leistų kurti visiškai naujo lygio pasirodymus. Tokia įranga leidžia išreikšti spektaklio herojaus išgyvenimus vizualiai, scenoje projektuoti vaizdinius, sukurti reikiamą atmosferą (keičiant šviesos spektrą, intensyvumą, spalvą, galima sukurti baimės, gėrio, jaukumo ir kt. atmosferą). Gera garso sistema leistų pasiūlyti įvairesnių garso sprendimų. Labai svarbu pažymėti, kad režisieriai, turėdami tokias priemones, galėtų lengviau interpretuoti scenarijus, pasirinkti sprendinius, kurie iki šiol, dėl techninių sąlygų, nebuvo galimi.

Įgyvendinus projekto veiklas, numatoma pasiekti projekto tikslą - padidinti Klaipėdos valstybinio muzikinio teatro patrauklumą, teikiamų kultūros paslaugų prieinamumą ir kokybę. Bus pasiekti tokie rezultatai:

  • modernizuoti didžiosios salės scenos technologijos įrenginius ir susijusią įrangą;
  • modernizuoti didžiosios ir mažosios salės garso ir apšvietimo įrangą;
  • pakeisti didžiosios salės kėdes bei kiliminę dangą. Pakeisti mažosios salės kėdes, suteikiant daugiau komforto lankytojams.
  • Pritaikyti teatro erdves ir infrastruktūrą lankytojų poreikiams.